# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Abort Delay | 中止延时
A programmable timer that delays the signal sent to the Central Station. During this time, if a valid user code is entered or a valid proximity tag presented, the ARC will not receive the alarm.
ABS Plastics | ABS塑料
Often used as a blanket term for the housing plastics of our products, which are predominantly produced from ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and Polycarbonate. These act as a polished (or textured) finish product casing that creates a durable and sleek exterior while reducing electrostatic interference (without hindering wireless data transmission).
Access Control | 门禁
A type of security system that restricts access to authorized users at certain times allowing for different access levels can be granted to different users.
Acoustic Glass Break Detector | 声音玻璃破碎探测器
A detector that senses pre-set acoustic frequency or frequency profiles that are present when glass breaks.
Active Intrusion Protection | 主动入侵防护
Even the first break-in attempt is reported. This is made possible by alarm components which do not only combine state-of-the-art wireless technology with effective mechanical break-in protection (mechatronic detectors), but at the same time monitor the prying open of doors and windows with the help of a magnetic field sensor system.
Adaptable Coverage | 适应性覆盖
The area that the detector covers can be altered to suit the needs of the installation. This can be done in numerous ways, the most common being changing the lens of the detector or masking parts of it.
Address | 定址
Each device that sits and talks on the data (RS485) bus must have an address. This is so the system can identify which device is sending data and can log events sent from the address accordingly. Each address can have it's own personalised settings such as access to certain areas, partitions to arm/set or disarm/unset etc.
Adjustable Microwave Range | 可调节微波范围
The microwave range can be adjusted using a potentiometer; clockwise to increase the range and anticlockwise to decrease. This can be done to suit environments where coverage is needed.
Adjustable PIR Range | 可调节PIR范围
The PCB can be moved up or down to change the angle of coverage. This can be done to suit environments where the angle of the environment in front of the detector is not conventional.
Adjustable Sensitivity | 可调节灵敏度
The sensitivity of the detector can be manually adjusted and set to suit the environment where it is installed. This would typically be found on a detector monitoring vibrations.
Alarm Monitoring | 报警监控
A service provided by a Monitoring Centre, in which a security system's signals are supervised by an operative.
Alarm Panel | 报警主机
The central switching station for the whole alarm system, which processes all the information, forwards it and responds as required.
Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) | 接警中心
An agency that receives alarms from customers' security systems and requests the dispatch of fire, police, medical authorities or calls a key holder based on the type of emergency.
Alarm Transmission Equipment (ATE) | 报警传输设备
ATE receive messages from alarms systems, prepare them and transmit the signals via the appropriate path (such as PSTN or GPRS). They also relay the control commands given in the alarm receiving equipment to the alarms systems including the different interfaces.
ATE can be deisnged both as combined equipments for the transmission of different signals/messages and as individual units.
Alarm Verification | 报警复核
Generic name given to many technologies used to confirm or deny the validity of alarm signals received at the monitoring facility.
Alarm Zone | 报警防区
Each zone is monitored by a detector / sensor and can be programmed individually
Alternating Current (AC) | 交流电
An electrical current that periodically reverses direction of electron flow. The rate a full cycle occurs in a given unit of time (generally a second), and is called the frequency of the current. The change in current is due to a change in voltage that occurs at the same frequency
Ampere (A) | 安培
The ampere (A) often shortened to 'amp', is the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units.
To calculate amps, you need to divide the voltage by the resistance. (A = V / Ω)
And/Or Logic | 和/或逻辑
This changes the method of activating a Dual Technology detector; either triggering both technologies by setting the device in 'And' mode, or just activating either technology when set in 'Or' mode.
Anti-Blocking Technology | 防阻挡技术
Prevents the system from being set if there is anything blocking the field of view of one of the detectors. This would then need to be removed before the system will set.
Anti-Masking | 防遮挡
This is the use of specific technologies in the products to prevent the act of physically impairing an intruder alarm from functioning correctly. In the anti-masking detectors, the microwave is used to detect anyone coming too close to the detector. If someone or something is detected too close, the detector initiates a 'mask-processing' sequence to determine whether it has been masked or not.
Anti-Sway Analytics | 防摇摆分析
An advanced filter that is designed to protect against false alarm activations in environments with windy weather conditions and swaying vegetation. The digital filter allows it to distinguish between the movement of trees and plants from the movements of an intruder.
Area | 子系统
A group of detectors that area assigned to be active when the user arm that particular area. This is usually named 'Area A' or renamed to a personal choice of the user such as 'Full Set' or 'Shop'.
Arm | 布防
The act of turning your security system on, so that it is ready to detect an alarm event.
Related: Away, Set.
Armed & Disarmed | 布防 & 撤防
These are the two states that areas or levels of an alarm panel can be in. When an area or level is armed, if an input is triggered, the alarm panel will follow the appropriate (programmable) actions. When an area or level is disarmed, the panel will not react unless programmed specifically to do so.
The words armed and disarmed have the same meaning as set and unset; the words are interchangeable.
Arming Device | 布防设备
Any device on the system that can arm or disarm the alarm system.
Arming Station | 布防站
A wireless device on the system that can arm/disarm the alarm system and trigger outputs. It resembles a keypad however, it does not have an LCD screen.
Audible | 可听见
Able to be heard.
Audio Alarm Verification | 音频报警复核
The transfer of sounds from the protected premises to the monitoring facility as a result of activation of one or more non-audio sensors, to confirm or deny the validity of the alarm signal. The audio link may be one-way or two-way.
Automatic Sensitivity | 自动灵敏度调节
The detector self-adapts to changing environmental conditions to maintain stability and intruder catch performance.
Auto-Omit | 自动忽略
When the confirmation times expires after an alarm, the system will automatically re-arm. If there are any open inputs when the system rearms, they will automatically be omitted from the system to allow some of the system to become active again. The input to be omitted must have the omit/bypass attribute enabled.
Auxiliary | 辅助设备
Providing additional help and support. This is usually used in front of the words 'inputs' or 'outputs' to mean inputs or outputs that are additional to the inputs or outputs that are on the endstation.
Away | 外出布防
The act of turning your security system on, so that it is ready to detect an alarm event.
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