# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Earth Ground | 接地
A direct electrical path to earth. Usually a cold water pipe, the steel beams of a building, or a steel rod driven at least six feet into the earth and bonded to the Electrical System as defined by the National Electrical Code.
Earth Leakage | 漏电
An undesired path that allows current to flow in a ground conductor.
Eavesdropping | 窃听
Eavesdropping is simply listening to a private conversation which may reveal information which can provide access to a facility or network.
Echo Reply | 回显应答
An echo reply is the response a machine that has received an echo request sends over ICMP.
Echo Request | 回显请求
An echo request is an ICMP message sent to a machine to determine if it is online and how long traffic takes to get to it.
Egress Filtering | 出口过滤
Filtering outbound traffic.
Electronic Verification | 电子复核
If the alarm panel is reset with the proper panel disarm code after an alarm is tripped, an operator will make a courtesy call to the premise phone number listed on the account. If there is an answer at the number, the operator will ensure everything is okay and will ask for the verbal password for the account. If there is no answer, the proper disarm will be used as electronic verification that everything is okay and no dispatch will be made. This helps reduce unnecessary false dispatches.
Emanations Analysis | 辐射分析
Gaining direct knowledge of communicated data by monitoring and resolving a signal that is emitted by a system and that contains the data but is not intended to communicate the data.
Encapsulation | 信息隐藏
The inclusion of one data structure within another structure so that the first data structure is hidden for the time being.
Encryption | 加密
Cryptographic transformation of data (called "plaintext") into a form (called "cipher text") that conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used.
End of Line (EOL) Resistor | 线尾电阻
This is a resistor that is wired in to the circuit at the furthest point. Typically this would be in the input wired to the alarm system when using Double End of Line (DEOL) or Triple End of Line (3EOL) wiring methods.
End User | 终端用户
The person or business that actually uses the alarm system.
Energy Management | 能源管理
Solutions that allow users to control their lights and thermostats (or other appliances) from a Web-enabled device. By being able to turn these items on and off remotely, users can better manage their energy consumption.
Ephemeral Port | 临时端口
Also called a transient port or a temporary port. Usually is on the client side. It is set up when a client application wants to connect to a server and is destroyed when the client application terminates. It has a number chosen at random that is greater than 1023.
Escrow Passwords | 托管密码
Escrow Passwords are passwords that are written down and stored in a secure location (like a safe) that are used by emergency personnel when privileged personnel are unavailable.
Ethernet | 以太网
The most widely-installed LAN technology. Specified in a standard, IEEE 802.3, an Ethernet LAN typically uses coaxial cable or special grades of twisted pair wires. Devices are connected to the cable and compete for access using a CSMA/CD protocol.
Euro 46 V10
The Euro 46 V10 was the panel that combined the conventional installation software and the HomeControl+ software to give a complete solution for any installation.
Event | 事件
An event is an observable occurrence in a system or network.
Event Log | 事件日志
A record of actions performed and recorded by a security or access control program.
Exit Delay | 退出延时
An 'Input Type' that arms the system when opened then closed during the exit timer. When the system is armed, it will initiate the entry timer when triggered.
Exponential Backoff Algorithm | 二进制指数退避算法
An exponential backoff algorithm is used to adjust TCP timeout values on the fly so that network devices don't continue to timeout sending data over saturated links.
Exposure | 泄露
A threat action whereby sensitive data is directly released to an unauthorised entity.
Extended ACLs (Cisco) | 扩展访问控制列表
Extended ACLs are a more powerful form of Standard ACLs on Cisco routers. They can make filtering decisions based on IP addresses (source or destination), Ports (source or destination), protocols, and whether a session is established.
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) | 扩展认证协议
A framework that supports multiple, optional authentication mechanisms for PPP, including clear-text passwords, challenge-response, and arbitrary dialog sequences.
Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) | 外部网关协议
A protocol which distributes routing information to the routers which connect autonomous systems.
External Alarm | 室外警报
Alarm to which all transducers respond (inside + outside). The event can also transmitted to a monitoring station.
External Siren | 室外警铃
Transducer for outside area, generally configured as a combination transducer (siren and strobe light).
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