# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Output Types | 输出类型

In order for the system to know trigger an output, it needs to be given an output type.




The table below shows all the different output types that can be selected. For the UK and International markets, some of the input types have be renamed however, their functions are identical.






Not Used

Not Used

Permanently off



At alarm

When a valid code is entered

Hold Up Any

PA Any

At a HU or Duress alarm (This includes keypad HU)

When a valid code is entered

Intruder Any

Burglary Any

At alarm, while system is armed

At first valid code entry and at end of confirm time.

Final Set All

Final Arm All

When system is fully armed

At code entry to unset

Misoperation (Abort)

Open After Alarm (Abort)

When system is silenced after any ‘Intruder’ output is triggered

After 2 minutes

Confirmed Any


When further input active in any area after ‘intruder’ alarm or 'hold up'

At next code entry

Tamper Any

Tamper Any

Any tamper alarm

At code entry to silence and at end of confirm time.

Duress Any

Duress Any

At a Duress alarm (i.e. from a keypad)

When a valid code is entered

HU Device Any

PA Device Any

At alarm on a HU input only

When a valid code is entered



At alarm

When a valid code is entered

Set Fail

Arm Fail

Pre-set time after start of exit time, if exit procedure is not complete

At code entry to rearm

Entry Deviation

Entry Deviation

When deviation from entry route occurs, during entry time

At code entry to unset

Secure Intruder Any

System Read Any

At alarm, after exit time started, until unset

At first valid code entry and at end of confirm time

Siren Any

Bell Any

When alarm is live

When alarm silenced or when siren timer expires

Strobe Any

Strobe Any

When alarm is live

When alarm silenced or when strobe timer expires

Omit Rearm Any

Bypass Rear Any

Input omitted if active (or in alarm condition) at the end of confirmation time

When system disarmed

Unconfirmed Any

Burglar (Unconfirmed) Any

Any intruder alarm

When system disarmed

Can Set All

Ready All

If all inputs and technical faults in system are clear.

If fault exists, and after final set

Exit Starts All

Exit Starts All

At start of exit time to set last area

At code entry to unset first area

Exit Starts Any

Exit Starts Any

When exit time starts to set first area

At code entry to unset last area

Final Set Any

Final Arm Any

When first area is set

At code entry to unset last area

Strobe Set Fail

Strobe if Arm Fail

Works similar to 'Strobe Any', but also fires if the set fail timer expires


Unable to Arm

This output turns on for 5 seconds when the system is disarmed via a keyswitch input (either pulsed or latched keyswitch)

Keyswitch Unset

Keyswitch Disarm

This output turns on for 5 seconds when the system is disarmed via a keyswitch input (pulsed or latched)

Set With Omit

Arm with Bypass

Activates when inputs are omitted on setting


Pulsed Burglary Any

Active when burglary alarm is triggered, but deactivates once the Pulsed Intruder timer has expired (see Program Timers).

Power Fault

Power Fault

Active during low volts and battery faults*. Restores at code entry after fault cleared

Confirmed Intruder Any


When more than one intruder alarm activates

At next code entry

Confirmed Hold Up Any


When more than one confirmed hold up activates

At next code entry



Live during any entry time



Live during any exit time

Entry / Exit

Entry / Exit

Live during any entry or exit time



When exit or entry timer starts

20 seconds after set/unset procedure completed

Follow Input

Follow Input

PLEASE NOTE: This output is fully programmable

Shunt Fault

Shunt Fault

See 'Shunt Input'

Restore 1

Restore 1

At code entry to set

After 3 seconds

Restore 2

Restore 2

At code entry to set

When unset

PIR Latch 1

PIR Latch 1

When set (and in walk test)

At alarm, or when unset

PIR Latch 2

PIR Latch 2

This is the inverse polarity to PIR Latch 1

Mains Good

AC Mains Good

Output showing the mains is healthy

Detr Indn Enable

PIR LED Enable

This output activates during walk test and also when a code is entered to view indications – staying activated for the time for which the indications are viewed

Follow Test

Follow Test

Alternative bell test by activating SAB

Off During Test

Off During Test

Alternative bell test by activating SAB

Detr Walk Test

Walk Test

This output is active during walk test, and will only deactivate when all detectors have been tested

Detector Masked

Detector Masked

If any detector goes into ‘mask’ condition the output will trigger

When masking fault clears

Follow 24 Hour

Follow 24 Hour

If any input programmed as “Day alarm” activates

When input is restored

Line Fault

Line/GPRS Fault

When Line Fault signalled by communicator

When fault clears

Mains Fault

AC Mains Fail

After pre-set time without mains power

On restoration of mains

Battery Fault

Battery Fault

When battery disconnected or load fail detected

At next valid code entry

Low Volts

Low Volts

At fault

When fault clears

Global Fault 1

(Faults: Modem, Battery, Fuse, Line, Mains)

Global Fault 1

(Faults: Modem, Battery, Fuse, Line, Mains)

Activates if fault occurs only when system is armed

When all faults cleared

Global Fault 2

(Faults: as above)

Global Fault 2

(Faults: as above)

Activates if fault occurs at any time

When all faults cleared

German Relay

German Relay

Relay for specific applications - Generally not used

Guard Code Used

Guard Code Used

When Guard Code accepted

After 60 seconds

Engineer Access

Engineer Access

When entering Engineer Menu

Leaving Engineer Menu

Initialise Digi

Follow Power Up

At power up

After 45 seconds



Test signalling through PSTN and GSM. Activates when a test call is sent.(only used for specific GSMs)

When test is completed

Test ATS

For use with ATE complying with BSIA Form 175

to initiate test call to ARC by each available path.

Pre RM Service

Test signalling through PSTN and GSM. Activates when a test call is sent.

When test is completed

Monitor Activity Fail

Input Fault (Follow NAT)

If an input with NAT timer active does not trigger in the defined period

Next valid code entry

ATE not used

ATE Pin Not Used

Makes the ATE pin 5V or 0V depending if ATE outputs are inverted


Follow Chime

Active while a Chime signal is created on the panel


User Defined

User Defined

Can be used to trigger outputs via the keyfob or wireless keypad




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